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adult heuglini - Buzun 2002 (2)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:53 pm
by marsmuusse
(Click on an image when there is a scroll bar, to show the complete image)

Figure 6, 7, 8 Pattern on P10 for graellsii (Moerdijk), heuglini (Russ Zavorot) and heuglini (Ob).
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Figure 9: Heuglini P9-P10 pattern. At Moerdijk, birds show worn to very worn primary tips; making conclusions about the exact wing tip patterns difficult. Also, if one supposes that pigmented feather-parts do not wear in a same degree as white parts, there will be a bias to darker birds in this sample, as these birds allow most firm statements. Having said this, here is an example from the Moerdijk colony: orange 4H. Mirror rather far from the tip by broad sub-terminal black and no mirror on P9.
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Figure 10: Heuglini P9-P10 pattern. Example from the Moerdijk colony: orange 5E. Mirror rather far from the tip by broad sub-terminal black and no mirror on P9. Illustrating the difficulties to measure ‘mirror length’, and the point made by Buzun as he called a 'closed mirror / mirror embedded in black on the feather-edge’.
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